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AAA Office

Cabo San Lucas, México
872.9 m2 lot
Our studio reflects our values: transparent and honest. Organized around a central courtyard with trees, the building provides an environment for our clients to experience our clean aesthetics, seamless indoor-outdoor spaces, connection to nature, and abundant use of natural materials that are our signatures.

The four-story space is made of exposed, reinforced concrete, visible metal joist beams, and glass walls, with a skylight spanning the central courtyard. Office floors staged at half levels accentuate the functionality and flow of the studio, as well as emphasize the personal and human aspects of workplace design.

The interior plan is open but defined, fostering opportunities for communication and staff interaction with abundant design, planning, and creative spaces.

The broad stone floors and thick walls naturally keep the home cool in summers, and expansive glass pocket doors open up to connect the interior with the exterior. At the top of the studio, there is a roof garden, where our team can gather and relax.